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November 24, 2004



we agree politically AND about the thanksgiving food. yay!!!


I am the stuffing. I am complex. Huh? I think because I enjoyed time with my family but my weapon was a knife. Hmmmm... that does sound complex.

      cats are lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

rats! that comment didn't work right. it was supposed to give you a cute little color bar that said "cats are love" under it.


ya try to do something nice...

darn non-html enabled comments. ;)


ok so MAJOR weirdness! i was just over on the @forums tori boards and followed a link about the new album TO YOUR PAGE!

how weird is that! i would have found you anyway...very very cool.

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Craft Projects:

  • ckkal.bmp
  • Current Projects
    Baby Sweater: 99% (Need to sew buttons. Lost buttons. Refuse to settle for less than perfect (i.e., original) buttons.) *** Charlotte's Web: started. again. and again. and again.... (I'm thinking lace is not for me!) *** Alpaca Shawl: Worked a few more rows because I needed something portable and not lace! *** Multidirectional scarf in Noro: almost done. (for several months now.)
  • Upcoming Projects
    Shawl for me - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Shawl for mom - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Colinette Ab Fab Throw *** Hat and Scarf - Blue Heron Chenille and/or Noro Silk Garden *** Socks - Spirit Trail Fiberworks ***


  • The WeatherPixie
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Member since 01/2004