i got my order from Rob at Threadbear - and already am about 1/3 of the way through the baby sweater and 3" into the wedding shawl (knit lengthwise)!!! i'll post photos soon!
but i have a little rant... as an official "snob" (i joined the snob stash redistribution project) i have heard some anti- anti-acrylic remarks.... granted - there ARE people out there who shun those who use acrylic yarns, and think less of them. but not myself, and i'm pretty sure that most of the other snobs in my round aren't like that either.
i like acrylic, i use acrylic. i like natural, i use natural. nothing wrong with either. i heard about the GSRP too late, but i doubt i would join it based on other people's reactions (including monkeyknits). i see no point in getting a box of mostly acrylics in mostly unusable quantities, and having to pay $25 or more to ship said box. if i want acrylic, i'll haul myself to ac moore (with my 20% discount) and get exactly what i wanted, in the right quantities. for most projects i don't use acrylic, for any number of reasons... doesn't felt, doesn't come in the color/texture/pattern i want, etc....
so, even though i am a snob and in the SSRP (which bans acrylics), that does not mean i am anti-acrylic. i just tend to have expensive taste!
ok end rant!