sorry - i'm still feeling a little run down and not doing much at night except watching tv and knitting a little. i'm halfway through the first sleeve on the baby sweater. i started it on DPNs so i wouldn't have to seam, but it takes 2-3 times longer, so i switched back to knitting it flat. the only seams will be the underarms, so it won't be bad (and will still take less time!)
in lieu of photos, in case you haven't seen the wonder and the glory that is the charlotte's web poncho modification (ponchofication if you please!), you can see it here or here. isn't it purty???
my charlotte hasn't progressed - i've been knitting more, but on the two latest projects - baby sweater and one wedding shawl. for the other wedding shawl - that's the red one - i am still not satisfied with how the yarn looked with the dress in person. i am debating getting the colinette vintage knits kit in mushroom and making the shawl from that pattern. i know it's pricey, but i really want to eventually make a poncho. i may not even use their yarns/kit - but i want the pattern and i don't know any other way to get it.
initially, overwhelmed with projects for fun and deadline projects, i thought i'd never knit any of the wedding gifts. but now i am re-thinking that, and may do the colinette ab-fab throw for one of the weddings. i can't decide which color it should be, and i am tempted to ask the bride but i won't. i may change my mind still anyway, so we'll see.
i wanted to post my reviews of the jordana paige bag - not to talk anyone into/out of buying it, but just my opinions in case people wanted to know!
as a knitting bag, i like it a lot. it looks professional, has tons of room. as a purse, i'm not so thrilled. the squareness of the bag sometimes pokes me when its on my shoulder. there's not as much room for wallet and stuff. there's only one real pocket (besides the tools pockets) with a zipper, and it's tight. the whole bag does not close (i keep my knitting in a ziplock to keep it clean, but it's also necessary if its raining)
what would i like? at least one outside zippered pocket (almost same size as bag, but it doesn't have to have much bulge). and the inside zippered pocket should be able to expand a little more. there's a loop and snap to attach keys in the knitting side - opposite that i'd love a cell phone pocket. my phone is in a tool pocket, but it's hard to get out in a hurry (and adjacent tools poke while you try!) and i want the whole bag to zipper closed.
i've been using it for about a week - i'll use it some more, but i am afraid i may go back to my regular purse and my oriental project bag. but i will use the jordana bag on trips into NY! (hmm - only concern is the closing factor. not good for a city with pickpockets!) the bottom line is i like it but it's not the ideal solution i thought it could be.
later -