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June 04, 2004


I've been taking it slow and easy on Charlotte also. Didn't work too much on her this week. Plan to work on her this weekend though.

I've already told my DH that I want the Jordana Paige bag for my birthday next month.


I made the last comment. Somehow, my name vanished.


Guilty as charged. I'm managing a steady twice a week posting, with an occasional third on a good week. I don't know how daily posters do it. But since the whole point is enjoyment, I'm sticking with what's enjoyable for me. Besides...always leave them wanting more. :)

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Craft Projects:

  • ckkal.bmp
  • Current Projects
    Baby Sweater: 99% (Need to sew buttons. Lost buttons. Refuse to settle for less than perfect (i.e., original) buttons.) *** Charlotte's Web: started. again. and again. and again.... (I'm thinking lace is not for me!) *** Alpaca Shawl: Worked a few more rows because I needed something portable and not lace! *** Multidirectional scarf in Noro: almost done. (for several months now.)
  • Upcoming Projects
    Shawl for me - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Shawl for mom - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Colinette Ab Fab Throw *** Hat and Scarf - Blue Heron Chenille and/or Noro Silk Garden *** Socks - Spirit Trail Fiberworks ***


  • The WeatherPixie
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Member since 01/2004