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March 15, 2004



Okay, first of all, check out Here's a link to their selection of size 11's on sale:

Second of all, "i have a history of feet and shoe issues. i get blisters VERY easily, even in sneakers."

THIS HAPPENS TO ME ALSO!!! I am absolutely notorious for wearing the "wrong" shoes -- even if they are the right shoes for the occasion. Last summer, I was immobilized due to blisters that took up pretty much half the length of my foot because I wore sandals in Atlantic City. Actually, that was just one instance in AC -- there are actually a whole series of shoe mishaps that take place there. Now that I think of it, there are shoe mishaps that take place just about everywhere I have gone. If you go to the SnB on Thursday, remind me to tell you about coming home from the Cyndi Lauper concert!


yup we're twins alright. ;o)

the link didn't show up but i'll google it. thanks!


No problem! I'm sorry the link didn't show up... Try this:

There are almost 600 pairs of shoes in your size in the sale section!


i got it. i LOVE that site!!! and some great sales! thanks!


You are completely welcome. And, no, I'm not trying to recruit you to become a shoe addict like myself... or am I? hmmmm. :)


i was gonna say zappos...and i think there's another one - comfort corner? i can never remember. ADD and big feet don't mix. I wear size 10 double wide myself. Incidentally, I just changed over to typepad myself and can't for the life of me figure out how to get the knitty button and the percentage bars to show up. Do you have pro or just plus? Maybe that's my problem? Love your kitty btw. Very cute.


How did I miss this post? I saw Avenue Q last summer when I was in NYC. It was wonderful. I didn't want it to end. Avenue Q and Seaport Yarn in one I live right or what! Katie, do you ever go to Seaport?

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  • Current Projects
    Baby Sweater: 99% (Need to sew buttons. Lost buttons. Refuse to settle for less than perfect (i.e., original) buttons.) *** Charlotte's Web: started. again. and again. and again.... (I'm thinking lace is not for me!) *** Alpaca Shawl: Worked a few more rows because I needed something portable and not lace! *** Multidirectional scarf in Noro: almost done. (for several months now.)
  • Upcoming Projects
    Shawl for me - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Shawl for mom - Brooks Farm Yarn - Self Fringing *** Colinette Ab Fab Throw *** Hat and Scarf - Blue Heron Chenille and/or Noro Silk Garden *** Socks - Spirit Trail Fiberworks ***


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