I am an engineer who seeks creativity in all other pursuits.
My name is Katie. I live and work in northern NJ.
During the day I am a civil engineer. At night, super crafter! I make, sell, and teach jewelry/beading, knitting, crocheting, reiki, henna tattoos, soap making, candle making, scrapbooking and more!
I specialize in custom craft parties and personal tutoring - whatever you find in the craft store, if you want to learn it, I can help!
Here on typepad I have three sites:
http://knittykitty.blogs.com takes you to the knitting site
http://www.creaturesofnature.com takes you to a crafty blog with pictures of my work
for henna, you can link from the second link here or go directly to http://knittykitty.blogs.com/hennafairy
I have two black cats, Pele and Josephine.
I look forward to getting to know you!!
weblogs, knitting, cats, crocheting, pagan, wicca, reiki, jewelry, beads, henna, costumes, soap, candles, you name it!